Haroshi Skateboard Art

Posted: September 3, 2014 in Skateboard, Skateboarding, skateboarding japan

Breathing new life into old decks!

You remember that feeling, getting some fresh wood from your local shred sled dealer, gripping it up,rubbing down the edges, popping holes through the grip to truck it up then BANG! It’s on! 

Shit’s going crazy! Hitting ledges,grinding curbs,bustin Benni Hana’s, flipping gaps then one day you hear that inevitable ‘CRACK!’.

You look down and your joy toy, your shred sled, your boredom killing machine has passed on to the other side. A sad broken piece of dreams sits silent and un-moving beneath your feet.

Some people pick it up and smash it relentlessly,cursing it, others sigh, and take the trucks off and throw the remnants into the bushes, while others take the trucks off,throw it in a bin and go back to the shred sled dealer for a new fix.

But not this man.

If you don’t already know him meet Haroshi.

He’s a lifer and a mad shredder himself and with his wood working skills he breathes new life back into our old companions.

Reworking them into glorious and amazing pieces of skate art that are truly awesome! 

Haroshi is a well know and world renowned artist.

His skills at turning old and broken dream machines into fantastic works of art are unsurpassed.

You can check out his work in the link down below.

So next time your old friend breathes his last pop take a second and spare a thought, would you like him to live forever in a piece of skate art or meet his fate as land fill.

So check out some of these links and SK8 2 CR8!

P.S. Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/sk8_japan or check out our instagram: http://ink361.com/app/users/ig-644249094/skate_japan/photos




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